LUCKNOW/KANPUR: Jammu Mail (14034) narrowly escaped a potentially catastrophic incident on the Delhi-Howrah route. The train was traversing from Kanpur to Prayagraj when a bolt from a secondary suspension of one of the general bogie's unexpectedly dislodged but was detected by pointsman at Prempur railway station.
Upon being alerted by pointman, railway technical field staff were dispatched to the location to thoroughly assess the situation.
Following a comprehensive inspection, the bolt was screwed, and after approximately half an hour, the
Jammu Mail was given the green light to resume its journey. As a consequence of this unforeseen incident, several other trains, including the Vande Bharat, were delayed while the necessary repairs were being carried out.
Jammu Mail culminated its journey at Subedarganj railway station of Prayagraj by more than one more delay.