Ahmedabad: A 45-year-old man named Amit Parmar, who was staying below a bridge in Bapunagar, was stoned to death after he allegedly refused to give money to buy cigarettes to the accused, Pravin Jadav, who was also staying under the same bridge.
Bapunagar PI A D Gamit said that the murder took place on Sunday. The victim's parents are staying in the Bapunagar area, but the victim was staying under the bridge and was not living with his parents.
Bapunagar cops said that a complaint of murder has been registered against Jadav, who was detained late on Monday night.
Jivan Parmar (61), a resident of Hardasnagar, Bapunagar, and the father of the deceased, has registered the complaint of murder.
Police said Pravin came to Amit and asked for money to buy cigarettes. Amit, however, refused to give the money, which angered Pravin, and he started abusing Amit. Later, Pravin picked up a stone lying there and hit Amit on the head, causing serious injuries that led to his death. Later, Pravin left the spot but was detained late on Monday night.