Times Evoke
- 'Animals think up intricate syntax for combining their sounds — we thought only humans could do that'
- Gained in translation
- ‘Animal communications evolved in their own world — human clamour now impacts this’
- ‘Inequality is part of our fossil fuel regime — urban users gain, rural producers pay the cost’
- Petro-History: An epic of energy
- ‘Geopolitics, neoliberalism and racism made energy a commodity — this should be a right’
- ‘Fossil fuel culture invokes ‘heroic masculinity’ which marginalises women — Donald Trump speaks to this’
- ‘Plants are moving beyond pollinators now, undoing coevolution millions of years old’
- ‘Environmental photos show us we can empower people with the skills and passion to heal Earth’
- ‘Earth is warming faster than ever in its history — mitigations include India’s vegetarian diet’
- An age of innocence
- ‘Lead exposure caused millions to lose health— removing it from petrol was a global achievement’
- 'Lead chromate was being used to brighten turmeric - it damaged adult health and child IQ, costing trillions'
- ‘Uniquely, Iceland has tectonic plates spreading apart — this intensifies volcanic activity here’
- ‘If military emissions worldwide were a country, it would be the fourth largest emitter on Earth’
- ‘Modern warfare elaborated on ancient ‘scorched terrain’ strategies — from Africa to Vietnam, conflicts hurt Earth’
- War -and no peace
- ‘Fossil fuels, finance and inequality profoundly shape climate action. COP28 saw progress here’
- Why You Can't COP-Out
- ‘Earth saw five mass extinctions due to natural change — the sixth is driven by human actions’
- 'To save Panama's golden frogs, we learnt to collect, bathe and feed them — and even checked them into a hotel'
- ‘Over aeons, an arms race grew between plants and insects — it also caused pesticide resistance’
- ‘Earth’s crust is still forming — its interior shapes surface habitability through outgassing and recycling of volatiles’
- ‘Sediments contain Earth’s archive — they hold fossil and chemical clues about climate change’
- Our Earth's history - and its mystery
- ‘Trees evolved over time to survive climate change — the fall colours of sugar maples are now at risk’
- ‘From timber to temperance, humans sought diverse solutions from plants — thus, acacias reached India’
- The world is a garden
- ‘The fossil record shows how plants shaped Earth— they sculpted ecosystems from rivers to rain’
- ‘Water’s second age, when we learnt to manage it safely, is ending — we face its consequences now’
- ‘Water reflects power — European imperialists used it to expand, creating new hierarchies of access’
- The amazing story of water
- ‘Water bodies are often seen as real estate which must be built on — that causes a cycle of floods and droughts’
- ‘Our study found 208 bird species in Udaipur — Indian cities can provide hope for biodiversity’
- ‘The Iguazu National Parks first ‘nationalised’ a border — the focus on saving nature came later’
- 'India's wildlife, decimated by hunting and forest exploitation, found succour in national parks'
- A walk in the park
- 'South Africa's national parks protect wildlife and ecosystems - they face the pressures of land and inequality'
- ‘Hybridisation can spread gainful genes between species — this helps butterflies mimic signals’
- 'Nature’s mechanisms ensure rich plant diversity — climate change is impacting these'
- G20 expectations
- ‘From voices of the marginal to voiceless species, G20 can help to forge environmental justice’
- ‘G20 is the biggest part of the world economy, emissions and climate finance — India’s leadership of it is remarkable’
- ‘From its enzymes to its role in the food chain, the little firefly is a big part of the cycle of life’
- ‘India’s Chandrayaan-3 is a spectacular feat — it can explore water on the moon for a colony’
- ‘We’re wrecking our life support system — that’s the big story’
- ‘Social media reinforces polarisation on climate change — this impacts policies’
- Of science, sense and sensibility
- ‘Climate change is here to stay — Indian media reports on its complexity better than the West’
- ‘Plantations grew with colonialism — tea impacted both humans and ecology’