Srinagar: In a major success ahead of Lok Sabha polls in Jammu and Kashmir, security forces on Friday foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control in Baramulla district, killing at least one terrorist, officials said. Alert troops of the army noticed some suspicious movement along the LoC at Sabura Nala Rustam in Uri area of the district and challenged intruders, the officials said.
They said the intruders opened fire which was retaliated by the soldiers, resulting in killing of at least one terrorist.
The body of one slain ultra has been recovered while the security forces believe another terrorist might have also been killed in the action.
A cache of arms and ammunition were recovered from the scene of the encounter including two AK rifles, three magazines, four hand grenades and Rs 10,250 Indian currency. The security officials said the successful elimination of the infiltration bid was a significant achievement ahead of the Lok Sabha polls next month. PTI
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