RAJKOT: A 61-year-old retired police constable, Amrat Makwana, was sentenced to five years in prison and fined Rs 10,000 by principal district and sessions judge D P Mahida in Morbi on Saturday, after being found guilty of demanding a bribe of Rs 500 to process the police verification of a passport applicant in 2014.
According to the case details, the complainant's sister-in-law had applied for a passport at the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) in Rajkot as she wanted to join her husband who was settled in an African country.
After document verification, the passport office initiated the police verification.
On March 17, 2014, the applicant met Makwana at Maliya police station, where he completed the inquiry procedure, filled in the form and got her signature. "After the procedure, Makwana asked the applicant to submit a passport-sized picture and Rs 500. When asked about the Rs 500, Makwana told her if she didn't pay it, she wouldn't get her passport."
The applicant's brother-in-law informed the anti-corruption bureau (ACB) and a trap was set in which Makwana was caught red-handed accepting the bribe.
District government pleader Vijay Jani stated, "We submitted 35 pieces of documentary evidence and seven oral testimonies to support our case. Makwana was convicted under two sections and the court sentenced him to five years imprisonment for each. However, the sentences will run concurrently."
Makwana, who retired from police service three years ago, was sent to jail after the sentencing.