Rajkot: Six minor boys were booked for allegedly assaulting a State Reserve Police (SRP) constable and vandalizing the observation home in Rajkot where they were lodged. The complaint against the minors was registered at the A Division police station under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Sagar Shukla, the counsellor and in charge officer of the zonal observation home, filed the complaint stating that the minors formed an unlawful assembly and vandalized CCTV cameras, chairs, and other items, causing total damage of Rs 30,000.
They also allegedly assaulted constable Arvindsinh Jadeja with pipes and sticks.
According to the police complaint, the incident occurred on Wednesday night, which is the day when inmates of the observation home are allowed to speak to their parents or local guardians. One of the minor accused, while speaking to his parents, extended his talk time beyond the prescribed limit. Following this, one of the guards snatched the phone and disconnected the call.
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