A Formula 4 race was held on Boulevard Road along the banks of Dal Lake in Srinagar on Sunday. The event was organised to promote motorsports in Kashmir. The city hosted its first-ever Formula-4 racing event, spanning 1.7 km from Lalit Ghat to Nehru Park, with the aim of promoting tourism and providing diverse career opportunities for local youth.
Professional Formula 4 drivers dazzled spectators with stunts, attracting scores of enthusiastic viewers who witnessed the action-packed race unfold from 10am to 2pm.
Extensive arrangements were made, including surface leveling, pothole repair, barricade installation, medical team deployment, and security measures, ensuring the event's safety and success.
Drone surveillance was employed to bolster security measures, ensuring efficient event management and spectator safety throughout the Formula-4 race.
Organised in partnership between Formula-4 and the Indian Racing League, under the auspices of the Tourism Department, the event aimed to showcase Kashmir's rising prominence in motorsports and inspire youth to pursue careers in Formula-4 racing.
"This is very heartening to see. It will help further showcase the beauty of Jammu and Kashmir. India offers great opportunities for motorsports to thrive and Srinagar is right on top of the places where it can happen!" PM Modi said in a post on X.
Beyond the thrill of speed and competition, the Formula-4 race symbolized resilience and unity, delivering a powerful message about adventure and determination to spectators and participants alike.