Tamil Nadu and Karnataka forest officers have jointly been searching for a lone tusker that killed two women and as many cows near Thally in the district on Sunday (Feb 18) for the past couple of days with the help of drones, but with little success so far.
While the TN forest officers formed four teams and launched the search for the tusker the same day, their counterparts in
Karnataka joined them the next day.
“We have been searching for the tusker for the past four days. But we haven’t tracked it down yet,” said K Karthikeyani, wildlife warden, Hosur forest division. According to another forest officer, the lone tusker had entered Thevarbetta forest area after trampling the two women to death. “Cauvery river is passing through the forest. The tusker might have halted there, thanks to the availability of water and food. We will chase it back to the forest as and when it strays into the plains.”
We also published the following articles recently
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