PUNE: As the rainfall intensity dropped in parts of the state, including Pune, over the last few days, Medha Khole, head of the weather forecasting division at IMD-Pune, told TOI, "The current situation cannot be described as a lull in monsoon, but rather a significant reduction in rain activity. It's not that rainfall has completely ceased. It's still occurring, but with decreased intensity as compared to the last month."
Khole said there had been an exceptional monsoon performance in most districts in the state.
"All districts, except Hingoli in Marathwada, are either in excess or normal rainfall categories, with some experiencing large excesses too," she said.
She said certain regions had recorded particularly heavy rainfall. "Pune, Satara and Kolhapur districts, especially their ghat sections, have received incessant and extremely heavy rainfall," she said.
The meteorologist attributed the substantial rainfall surplus to July's active monsoon, particularly in the ghat sections of Pune, Satara and Kolhapur districts.
On the state-wide scenario, Khole said, "Except for Hingoli district, all others are in surplus compared to their normal levels. This is because of the offshore trough activity and strong monsoon winds, which were persistent throughout July and Aug first week."
IMD's extended range forecast indicated reduced rainfall over central India, including Maharashtra, till Aug 15. "After Aug 16 to around Aug 23-24, the monsoon activity is, however, expected to intensify over central India," she said.
Sangli, Pune top Maha rain chart; 7k mm in Tamhini so far Sangli and Pune districts have so far topped the rainfall chart in Maharashtra this monsoon, with a surplus of 63% and 62%, respectively, IMD data showed Saturday.
Maharashtra has recorded a 31% rain surplus this season as compared to the long-term average.
Tamhini Ghat in Pune's Mulshi taluka has become the first IMD station in the Western Ghats to get over 7,000mm of cumulative rain this season. Its precipitation for the season stood at 7,011mm till Saturday, IMD data showed.
A study of rainfall patterns so far this season showed that 25 of 36 districts in Maharashtra received excess or large excess rain. The trend has been robust despite the recent drop in rainfall.