Rashtriya Janata Dal MP from Buxar, Sudhakar Singh, on Sunday accused a police officer of humiliating him over phone when he called him up to inform about threats to his life in Kaimur district.
In a letter to the SP, Kaimur, Lalit Mohan Sharma, Singh, who was elected to the Lok Sabha for the first time, alleged that a criminal threatened to kill him on his cellphone if he didn’t pay extortion.
He had received the threat calls on his cellphone through different numbers in the past as well, the MP alleged.
However, when he called up the Ramgarh police station in-charge Ramji Prasad to inform him about the incident, the former treated him shabbily, Singh, who served as state agriculture minister in the past, alleged.
“When I called up the Ramgarh police station in-charge to lodge a complaint and also seek his assistance, he brazenly said that he doesn’t care for MPs and MLAs, and I was free to approach anyone,” the MP alleged in his letter to the SP, seeking action against the police official.
He said such attitude of the police not only shows gross disrespect towards the public representatives, but also raises questions over the entire law and order system in the state.
Kaimur SP said he had received the complaint from the Buxar MP and SDPO, Mohania, Dilip Kumar, has been assigned to probe the case.
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