Noida: A fund of Rs 125 crore has been allotted to ramp up infrastructure and ensure better power supply before next summer, PVVNL managing director Isha Duhan announced during a meeting with over 80 members ofFONRWA on Saturday. The senior official said that disruptions in power supply would be fixed in four months, unplanned shutdowns would be done away with and transformers would be set up in areas to augment capacity.
Senior power department officials, including PVVNL director Sanjay Jain, director (technical) NK Mishra, chief engineer (transmission) Satyendra Singh, chief zonal engineer of Noida power department Harish Bansal, (DGM-electrical) Noida Authority Rajesh Singh, superintending engineers (SE), all executive engineers (EEs), and subdivisional officers (SDOs) were present in the meeting.
On Friday, UP energy minister AK Sharma directed officials of the Noida power department to begin equipment procurement, construction of new substations, pruning of trees among other activities, before the summer of 2025.
During the meetin on Saturday, PVVNL MD Duhan said that
Rs 124.9 crore has been allocated for power infrastructure for the FY 2024-25, under which rusty poles, old feeder junctions/panel boxes, and meter boxes will be replaced promptly. "Under this, arrangements will be made for ‘smart', more flexible, and reliable electricity through better technology and equipment, which will greatly reduce the frequency and duration of power cuts. Two hydraulic machines will be bought for pruning of trees, which should help address problems of outages because of overgrown trees resulting in cable faults," she said.
MD PVVNL further said that "A proposal of about Rs 1600 crore has been sent to the Centre for the modernisation of electricity in Noida under the long-term RDSS scheme, which is likely to be approved in the coming days."
Members of the Noida Entrepreneurs Association (NEA), Indian Industries Association (IIA), Laghu Udyog Bharati (LUB), and Uttar Pradesh Yuva Vyapar Mandal (UPYVM), complained of frequent power outages, tripping and voltage fluctuations, delayed meter readings, and incorrect power bills.