Mumbai: A 42-year-old man working as a helper at the Bhabha Hospital in Bandra was arrested for drinking and creating a ruckus on the premises. He was later released on bail.
The FIR was registered by the Bandra Police on the basis of a statement given by a medical officer working with the hospital. His statement says that he was informed about the incident by another helper.
He then spoke to two nurses who had lodged a complaint in the matter in the complaints register of the hospital.
One of the nurses said that she rang the bell for the accused, Pradeep Chavan, to come for work around 7.15 pm on 13th September. But he did not turn up. She went to look for him and found him sloshed in the pantry on the eighth floor. When the nurse asked him why he was inebriated on duty, Chavan reportedly created a ruckus. An FIR was registered on 13th September.