Madurai: Granting an anticipatory bail plea to a man who posted in social media a picture of Mahatma Gandhi holding a machete with disparaging remarks, the principal sessions court in Madurai on Monday directed him to assist the librarian in the Gandhi Memorial Museum in Madurai to arrange books in the library for 15 days during working hours.
The court was hearing the petition filed by M Kalyanasundaram seeking anticipatory bail in a case registered against him by the Madurai city
cyber crime police, based on the complaint lodged by A Velmurugan of Bharatiya Praja Aikyata Party.
The petitioner's counsel submitted that the petitioner had deleted the alleged post on the Facebook page and handed over his mobile phone to the police through his son. The counsel submitted that Kalyanasundaram was ready to apologise and give an undertaking that he would not indulge in such types of activities. He is also ready to do community service.
Principal sessions judge S Sivakadatcham took note of the fact that the petitioner had filed an affidavit seeking an apology for the message posted by him. Considering the fact that the substantial part of the investigation had been completed and the change in circumstances, the judge said that the court was inclined to grant anticipatory bail.
The judge directed the petitioner to appear before the Madurai city cyber crime police every day for 30 days and cooperate with the investigation.