HYDERABAD: Wondering why the authorities are punishing an innocent SSC student whose question paper was snatched by an accused, Justice K Lakshman of Telangana high court on Saturday directed the education department officials to allow the student to write the remaining papers in the ongoing annual SSC public exams.
Following the court ruling, the boy can write the remaining exams from April 10.
Perturbed by the Hindi question paper leak, the officials, it may be recalled, debarred the SSC student in Warangal district on the ground that it was from him the question paper had gone out into public domain and social media. His hall-ticket was forfeited and was not allowed to write further examinations by the authorities.
Father of the boy filed a plea in the high court in the form of a house motion and challenged the action of the officials. He contended that his son was being made a scapegoat.
Appearing for the aggrieved student, senior counsel Aloor Giridhar Rao said the officials will have to explain as to how a miscreant could enter a high security exam zone. "Instead of doing that, they are trying to punish a boy whose question paper was snatched away in a split second and before the boy could realise what was happening," he said.
The miscreant took photographs of the question paper and fled from the scene. Police themselves say that
BJP leaders sent the miscreants but the education officials debarred an innocent student, he argued.
The judge agreed with the senior counsel and directed the authorities to allow the student to take the remaining examinations.