Panaji: In 2022, after two locals were killed in accidents at the Chimbel junction, the authorities promised construction of the Chimbel flyover at the earliest. Two years later, the flyover work is yet to be completed. Officials said that the flyover will be ready for commissioning in around six more months.
The flyover is being constructed at a cost of around Rs 50 crore.
The construction work has narrowed down the passage available for vehicles, which results in traffic blockade delaying the movement of commuters in the area at present.
The construction was said to be completed within Oct 2024, as it was to be completed in 18 months as per the contract. But now the deadline seems unlikely to be met, extending the period of inconvenience for commuters.
Two locals died within a span of five months at the junction. In the first case, a senior citizen, Venkatesh Karapurkar, was mowed down by a truck in May 2022. His family refused to take possession of his body until govt declared safety measures for the site. In Sep, cyclist Devu Mardolkar, 56, died after he was hit by a bus.
Also, the construction of an overbridge at the Chimbel junction had remained pending over a land acquisition case.