Ghaziabad: The Ghaziabad police commissioner and the chief fire officer held a meeting with hotel and restaurant owners to make them aware of the importance of fire NOCs on Friday. The CFO educated traders on fire safety precautions. Of the 201 hotels across the city, only 80 have obtained fire NOCs, and the rest have not applied for the last two years.
Hotel association members reported a positive response to the meeting and agreed to apply for the NOCs after making necessary arrangements for fire equipment. Police commissioner Ajay Kumar Mishra attributed the lack of NOCs to cost-saving measures and spatial constraints in older buildings, which hinder installation of emergency exits. “The hotel owners did not apply for fire NOCs for two reasons. Firstly, to save money, they didn’t want to spend to install fire equipment or fulfill the fire safety norms before applying for the NOC. Secondly, most hotel buildings are located in old areas of the city where they had no space to make an emergency exit, or there would be no space to douse the flames from four directions,” he said.
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