COIMBATORE: Following the circulation of a fake message in social media claiming that a special camp was being held to apply for the Rs 1,000 monthly financial assistance scheme for women, a group of women from various parts of Coimbatore district gathered at the district collectorate on Saturday.
The fake message, which was spreading on WhatsApp, stated that a special camp would be held at the collectorate on August 17, 19, and 20 to submit application forms for the Rs 1,000 monthly financial assistance scheme.
The message claimed, “All applicants will receive the benefit immediately.”
Believing this information to be true, more than 30 women from the Ukkadam and Karumbukadai areas in the city gathered at the collectorate on Saturday.
They informed the officials that they had come to apply for the financial assistance scheme and showed the WhatsApp message they had received. However, the officials clarified that no such special camp had been announced and that the message was fake.
Disappointed, the women dispersed from the collectorate.
Similarly, in Tirupur, women from various areas, including Kangeyam, Perumanallur, Mudalipalayam, Palladam and Dharapuram visited the collectorate on Saturday to apply for the Rs 1,000 monthly financial assistance scheme. Officials informed them that no special such camp had been announced.