Bhopal: A 16-year-old girl was allegedly held captive and raped by her 22-year-old cousin while she was going to fetch water at a village in Nazirabad four days ago. The accused had tied the girl's hands before committing the incident. She was rescued by her sister, who came looking for her. The accused had threatened them that if they revealed the incident to anybody, he would either kill them or die by suicide by consuming poison.
After the girl revealed the incident to family members, the accused consumed poison and was undergoing treatment at a hospital. His condition was reported stable.
Acting on the survivor's complaint, Nazirabad police on Thursday registered a
rape case against the accused under relevant sections of BNS and the
Pocso Act and started investigations.
Police said that the survivor, 16, left school after class 5. She stays at home and does household chores. She stated in her complaint that on Sept 9 around 2 pm, when she was going to fetch water from outside the house, the accused, who lives in a neighbouring house, called her into his home. When she refused to go, he grabbed her and took her to his home where he tied her up and raped her.
The girl's sister reached there while looking for her and spotted her tied down. The accused threatened the survivor that if she revealed the incident to anybody, he would either kill her or die by suicide. When the girl informed her family about the incident, the accused attempted suicide and was undergoing treatment. Subsequently, the matter was reported to the police. A case was registered and further investigations were ongoing.