Initiating conversation, changing perspectives

Initiating conversation, changing perspectives
Ahmedabad: According to the ‘Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India 2022' published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Gujarat recorded losing 9,002 lives — about one suicide every hour. Major reasons, according to the report, included family issues (25% of the cases), illness (19%) and love affairs (7%). More importantly, in 23.5% of the cases, family members – and investigators by extension – were at a loss to understand why the person ended their life.
Anju Sheth, founder director of Saath, a city-based NGO working for suicide prevention, said that the first and foremost rule of engaging is trust and confidence- building.
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"A person wants to talk issues out. It is the beginning of a long process. It is heartening to see that today, more people are seeking help for mental health issues. The Covid pandemic period was a gamechanger where everyone understood the importance of mental health," she said. "We have several success stories where counselling helps a person look at issues from a new perspective." Experts shared the case of a young man wanting to end his life after the death of his mother and two failed marriages. "He was devastated after losing his pillar of support and after failing to understand what was wrong with him. With no close relatives, he did not find purpose. The calls did not help him find love or validation but helped him look at things from a new perspective. He now dedicates his free time to an NGO of his choice and finds happiness in helping others," said a counsellor.
Dr Ajay Chauhan, medical superintendent of the Government Hospital for Mental Health, said that the volume of calls on Tele-Manas has increased from about 20 to 40 every day in a year. "Sleep disorder and change in routine are often tell-tale signs. Timely intervention can help a patient, but it is a collective process, and all involved, including family, have a role to play," he said.
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