Renowned Bollywood actress Vidya Balan recently shared amusing anecdotes and heartfelt moments from her life in interviews. She recounted a humorous incident where a superstitious director wore the same shorts for 42 days, coinciding with the film's failure. Additionally, she fondly recalled her anniversary with her husband Siddharth Roy Kapur, highlighting their supportive bond.
The film, which stars Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi is an emotional rollercoaster with witty dialogues and a web of relationships
Director Shirsha Guha Thakurta's 'Do Aur Do Pyaar' challenges societal norms by exploring the complexities of urban relationships, with a focus on unconventional love stories and nuanced character portrayals.
Actors Michelle Pfeiffer, Lucas Hedges and Tracy Letts have joined the cast of comedy 'French Exit'.
Oscar-winning director Andrea Arnold and 'Dunkirk' producer Emma Thomas are all set to serve as the official competition jury at 61st BFI London Film Festival.
The Lovers
Priyanka Chopra
Deepika Padukone
Salman Khan
Saif Ali Khan
Ajay Devgn
Ranveer Singh