Boat has launched its latest smartwatch, the Storm Call 3 Plus, priced at Rs 1,449. The new smartwatch comes with turn-by-turn navigation, health tracking, and Bluetooth calling capabilities.
The Storm Call 3 Plus features a 4.97cm (1.96") HD display and is powered by Crest+ OS. Its standout feature is the turn-by-turn navigation system, powered by MapMyIndia, which guides users through city streets and outdoor trails.
The smartwatch also supports Bluetooth calling, allowing users to make and receive calls directly from their wrist.
The smartwatch includes heart rate monitoring, SpO2 tracking, and sleep analysis. The Storm Call 3 Plus supports over 700 active modes, catering to a wide range of physical activities.
The smartwatch boasts a 7-day battery life, which reduces to 2 days with Bluetooth calling and Always On Display enabled. It also includes features such as Emergency SOS, camera and music controls, and various utility functions.
The Storm Call 3 Plus is IP67-rated for water, sweat, and dust resistance. Users can personalise their experience with the DIY Watch Face Studio, allowing for custom watch face designs.
The Boat Storm Call 3 Plus is available in seven colours: Active Black, Olive Green, Dark Blue, Cherry Blossom, Mint Green, Salmon Peach, and Black Metal Mesh. It can be purchased on the Boat website and Flipkart.