Actor and content creator Viraj Ghelani, who played a minor role in Atlee's Jawan, shared his disappointment in a recent podcast calling it his worst experience on a movie set. However, in a new interview, he clarified his remarks, explaining that his comments were completely taken out of context.
Viraj explained that his earlier comments were due to a lack of better words. He mentioned that his role in the film had been significantly cut, despite having shot for around 13-14 days. Only the scenes filmed on the first day made it to the final cut, and he wasn’t aware that his part would be reduced so much.
"I didn’t know about all this, so when I went to watch the movie with my fiance, I was a bit disappointed in that particular moment. It wasn’t my worst experience shooting and working in that film,” he told Hindustan Times.
The 31-year-old further explained how his statements were blown out of proportion. He shared that it was disheartening to see only one of his scenes in the premiere, especially after telling his friends that he would appear in a Shah Rukh Khan film, which left him feeling disappointed. As a content creator, he explained that he understands the editing process, and even in his own videos, he sometimes cuts out extra footage if it feels unnecessary.
Addressing the comments about being spoken to rudely on set, Viraj clarified that it wasn’t Atlee or the main cast but rather some random people. He praised Atlee, calling him "the sweetest," and even shared that the director follows him on Instagram.
"Atlee called me for a role in Baby John, but I had prior commitments hence couldn’t join. And, I didn’t even shoot with Shah Rukh sir, our sequences were on different days. Baat ka batangad bangaya befaaltu mai. Pata nahi kahaan se kahan baat pahuch gayi," he added.
Viraj also addressed the viral statement where he jokingly instructed his followers to "bombard" the comments section of Govinda Naam Mera's trailer as revenge against Dharma Productions. He explained that this was said in a humorous way and was not meant to be taken seriously. He said, “I was new to the industry then, and I thought they would take me to the trailer launch, but they didn’t. It’s fine by me." He ended by saying that he should have chosen his words more carefully, jokingly adding, “Don’t mess with Gujaratis!”
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