Patralekhaa who hails from Shillong, Meghalaya, made Mumbai her home a decade ago. The actress who made her debut with CityLights in 2014 shares that even though she wasn’t from the industry, she met cordial people around who helped her sail through. She tells us, “I have met every kind of people when I started. Contrary to what people think about or what the perception is of Bollywood, by God’s grace, I found some really nice people.
They had such diverse stories to say, their creative level was also very high and they were genius to some other level.”
In her repertoire of films as an actor, Patralekhaa has been seen in different roles. She ventured into comedy with Wild Wild Punjab, starring
Varun Sharma and will be seen in the epic web show Gulkanda Tales. She also has a hard-hitting series like IC814: The Kandahar Hijack starring
Vijay Varma coming up. She also shot for Phule with Pratik Gandhi.
Talking about her process of getting in and out of such diverse characters, Patralekhaa says, “I feel different scripts and characters need different kind of approach. Some projects need working on your language a lot more. Some characters need working physically a lot more. And some performances are just very internal.”
She continues saying, “The first day on any set of a new film I am just completely lost. I am always thinking if my performance is coming out well. It is only after 3-4 days of shooting and 8-15 scenes later is when you catch something about the character that becomes yours. And you latch on to it and then you start developing it. When it comes to prep, you can do workshops, think of the approach of how the character will react in certain situations and so on.”