Tushar Sadhu, who recently captivated audiences with the trailer of his film 'Frendo,' has unveiled the official poster for his next project, 'Karma Wallet.' The poster has quickly garnered attention, featuring Tushar in an intense and intriguing avatar, surrounded by bundles of money and a Bhagwat Geeta. This striking visual has heightened anticipation among his fans, who are eager to see what the actor will deliver next.
Tushar shared the poster on his social media, accompanied by a powerful caption in Gujarati: "તું કૌરવ તું પાંડવ મનવા, તું રાવણ તું રામ, હૈયાના આ કુરૂક્ષેત્ર પર પળ પળનો સંગ્રામ" (You are Kaurava, you are Pandava, you are Ravana, you are Rama, this battlefield of the heart is a constant struggle).
He expressed his excitement about the film's journey, which he described as being filled with divine energy, karma, and destiny. The announcement came on the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami, adding a spiritual significance to the reveal.
'Karma Wallet,' written and directed by Vipul Sharma, is set to release on October 18, 2024. The film also stars Prashant Barot and Shreya Dave in key roles. As the release date approaches, the buzz around the film continues to grow, with fans eagerly awaiting Tushar’s next on-screen performance.
Tushar Sadhu announces his untitled project with Vipul Sharma