Kinjal Rajpriya has won many hearts with a video featuring a Ganpati visarjan ritual that is unique and eco-friendly. The video has Kinjal Rajpriya converting the Ganpati idol of her home into clay to make meaning out of the Ganpati festival.
Kinjal Rajpriya's Instagram video post highlights her devotion towards the dignity of sustainability and a conserved environment.
In a non-conventional immersion of the Ganpati idol in water, she shows how the clay idol is transformed into clay that would further be used to grow plants.
In her Instagram post, Kinjal Rajpriya wrote, "गणपति चाल्ले गावाला चेन पड़े ना आमाला गणपति बाप्पा मोरया पुढ़च्या वर्षी लौकर या
" and included a heartfelt message in English and Gujarati. She expressed her happiness in celebrating Ganpati at home for the first time this season and looked forward to future festivities.
She further wrote, "Simple celebrations make me happy
twas our first time to bring Mr. Gannu home this season. Will cherish the days you spent with us forever
See you next year Cute God
*Idea of visarjan- our Ganpati idol will now turn into clay that will grow more plants."
Her post got much love from netizens as Kinjal Rajpriya’s act not only reflects her appreciation for the festival’s cultural significance but also highlights her dedication to environmental consciousness.
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