'Deadpool & Wolverine' has lived up to the hype of its release! Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have packed a solid punch at the box office with their entertainer, raking in Rs 21 crore on its opening day, reports sacnilk. The film earned Rs 11.7 crore from its English version, Rs 7.5 crore from its Hindi version, Rs 1. 2 crore from Telugu and Rs 1.1 crore from its Tamil version.
On Friday, 'Deadpool & Wolverine' recorded an occupancy rate of 33.32 percent for its English shows.
In the overseas market too, this team of Deadpool and Wolverine scored big. According to Deadline, the film earned a whopping $64.8M across 48 global markets in their first two days. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman went all out with the promotions of the movie across the globe and spread a word about 'Deadpool & Wolverine' in popular cities like Shanghai, Seoul, London, Berlin and Rio.
Deadpool & Wolverine Movie ReviewEmma Corrin, who plays the fierce villain in 'Deadpool & Wolverine', spoke to ETimes about shooting for the entertainer with heavyweights like Jackman and Reynolds. She had shared, "It was amazing and you said it, you hit the nail on the head. It's watching them play these characters. I mean, Hugh's been playing Wolverine for 24 years and you can really see that in his bones. It's such a fundamental part of his body chemistry at this point. It's a really mesmerising thing to be in the presence of and a huge privilege to act opposite that."
Deadpool & Wolverine - Official Trailer