National Award winning Bengali director Utpalendu Chakraborty passed away at 76. The veteran director, who is known for arthouse films such as ‘Chokh’, breathed his last on Tuesday evening (August 20) at his Regent Park residence. The acclaimed director died after suffering a cardiac arrest at his residence. He was survived by his daughters, actors Ritabhari Chakraborty and Chitrangada Satarupa, and former estranged wife Satarupa Sanyal, who is a poet, filmmaker and social activist.
Utpalendu Chakraborty earned a National Award for Best Feature Film and Best Direction in 1983 for his film ‘Chokh’, besides the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director in 1981. The late director also got an NFDC Award and a President's Award. He is known for films such as ‘Moynatadanto’ (1980), ‘Chandaneer’ (1989), ‘Phaansi’ (1988) and ‘Debsishu’ (1987).
Utpalendu Chakraborty had studied at Scottish Church College and Calcutta University and was involved in Left-wing activism. He made documentaries on the music of Satyajit Ray and Rabindra Sangeet exponent Debabrata Biswas, among others. The veteran director, who lived alone after his estranged wife Satarupa Sanyal and daughters Ritabhari and Chitrangada, had a fracture after tripping in his bathroom in April, 2024. He underwent surgery for it. He was also suffering from COPD for several years.
However, neither Satarupa, nor Ritabhari and Chitrangada came to his aid back then due to their estranged relationship. Satarupa, who was once married to Utpalendu, separated from the director long back. Ritabhari revealed a few years ago that her biological father abused her mother in an inebriated state and hence they separated. The actress also revealed that Satarupa Sanyal, her mother, brought up her and her sister on her own. On the other hand, Chitrangada has chosen to get rid of her father’s surname and taken her mother’s name. The actress goes by Chitrangada Satarupa now.
Expressing grief, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in a statement said his demise would create a void in the film industry Cine Central, one of the oldest film clubs in the country, condoled Chakraborty's death.