‘Bohurupi’ is making ripples among the audience even before its release. The official teaser, which was unveiled on September 6, had found itself at #1 trending on ‘X’. Not just that, the teaser has become #2 on YouTube as well, within a day of its release. Additionally, IMDb has named the upcoming Bengali movie as their most anticipated film of this year.
Not just that, amongst many, National Award Winning Bengali filmmaker
Kaushik Ganguly has taken social media to appreciate the teaser of 'Bohurupi' and wished the team best for the release of the film.
After an encouraging response to the announcement teaser, Windows unveiled the official teaser of their highly awaited film, ‘Bohurupi’ on Friday. The 105-second long teaser captures the thrilling essence of ‘Bohurupi’ in each frame. The official teaser opens with an introduction of
Abir Chatterjee’s character SI Sumanta Ghoshal, who focuses on one of his failures rather than his professional glories. One of those fatal failures is the story of ‘Bohurupi’. As the frames shift their focus to the bits and pieces of Bikram’s life, the character played by
Shiboprosad Mukherjee, the audience catches a glimpse of the dynamic life he lives. An underdog, based on what meets the eye, Bikram is a chameleon who sets the supercop Sumanta Ghoshal on a chase. Will he succeed?
The teaser offers a glimpse into a gripping narrative set in Bengal, where two rivals engage in a high-stakes struggle. With a rich tapestry of themes including love, revenge and fierce rivalry, ‘Bohurupi’ aims to deliver a compelling blend of emotional depth and adrenaline-fuelled action. The film promises a fresh perspective, blending traditional Bengali storytelling with modern cinematic techniques.
The upcoming film which boasts an ensemble cast of actors like Abir Chatterjee,
Ritabhari Chakraborty,
Koushani Mukherjee, and Shiboprosad Mukherjee, is set to release October 8.
Bohurupi | Official Teaser | Nandita | Shiboprosad | Abir | Ritabhari | Koushani | Windows
Nandita Roy spoke passionately about the project, "Bohurupi represents over a decade of meticulous planning and 34 days of intense shooting across 84 diverse locations. Our goal was to push the boundaries of the action genre and provide a cinematic experience that resonates deeply with audiences."
Shiboprosad Mukherjee, who co-directs and stars in the film, shared his excitement, "Portraying Bikram, a pivotal character in Bohurupi, is a dream come true for me. I’m immensely grateful to Nandita Roy and Windows Production for this incredible opportunity. We had planned to release the film on
Durga Puja at the beginning of the year, and are currently in the process of executing the same."