​Zodiac Signs That Are Likely To Get Married in October

Mahima Sharma

Sep 25, 2024


Taureans are ruled by the planet of love and passion, Venus and these people have some plans for future regarding their marriage so they are thinking to get into marriage during October month as this month is considered as an auspicious month..!!

Image Source: Canva


Pisceans are ruled by Jupiter and this time Jupiter is supporting them. They'll probably make a lot of plans, and October's energy will help them achieve the steadiness they want in a relationship so they are likely to get married to the love of their life..!!

Image Source: Canva


Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and currently it is transiting in its own zodiac sign so they might plan to get into marriage and accept the proposal during the month of October. They can make lasting commitments if they meet the proper person..!!

Image Source: Canva


Cancerians are ruled by Moon. They are family-oriented people who frequently look for emotional ties. October's kind and peaceful vibes can encourage them to consider marriage by bringing them closer to their mates. October is a good month to commit because of emotional stability that comes with Libra season..!!

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Aires natives are ruled by Mars. Mars energy and libra season are encouraging them to think about taking their relationship on next level. October brings the powerful drive toward commitment. This is the perfect time to tie the knot through marriage since they are looking for relationships that transform..!!

Image Source: Canva


Librans are ruled by Venus and for them Libra season is encouraging to get into a lifetime commitment. This will transform their life and they will grow emotionally and mentally. There are chances that they marry with the one they love the most..!!

Image Source: Canva

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